For Lifta, market leader in stair lifts, teams from Plan.Net, Serviceplan Cologne, Mediaplus and hmmh worked hand in hand and desk to desk in the House of Communication in Cologne.

The joint task: a customer journey across all channels and for different target groups. In addition to the potential users of the stairlifts, affected relatives were also addressed. The task of addressing both target groups adequately and transferring them cleanly into the conversion funnel - especially via the important digital channels - was a complex communicative task. United under one roof, the integrated set-up in the House of Communication - strategy, digital and classic creation, as well as media consulting, - was the ideal solution.

Communication has never been as emotional as in the new campaign, which has been running since summer 2022 under the claim "So that home remains home". Lifta and the Cologne House of Communication are spreading this message across all channels.

In addition to two separate landing pages for the different target groups, performance banners and a new website in the look of the campaign were used. Performance advertising media were used in a variety of ways on social networks. While Facebook, for example, addresses both Lifta users and relatives, Instagram targets only relatives. SEA measures are also part of the campaign's digital strategy.


The Cologne-based House of Communication has been supporting their client Liftstar with its brand Lifta since 2020, and since the beginning of the collaboration, the focus has increasingly been on digital and social media, where relatives of Lifta target group primarily reside. The broader target group focus also continues to be on TV.