Auchan reveals the greatness behind its low prices with Serviceplan France

On Sunday May 12, Auchan Retail France will launch its new advertising campaign "Les petits prix sont grands" (Small prices are great) via a TV, press and digital media campaign. Through this new communications concept, the retailer is preparing to reveal the full value of its low-price products.
At Auchan, just because a product is small in price doesn't mean it isn't big in quality. And it's to get this preconceived idea out of consumers' minds that Auchan has decided, through this new campaign, to lift the veil on everything that makes up the value of its "low price" products.
To translate this idea graphically, the Serviceplan agency has decided to let Auchan's "low prices" take up as much space as possible in the media in which they will be expressed, using three examples: milk, eggs and mashed potatoes. The prices of these products will be displayed on a giant tarpaulin on television, will occupy a disproportionate amount of space in press ads, while in digital they will be so large that they will overflow the screens. In reality, this visual mechanism is nothing more than a creative process to guide the consumer towards the details of each small price, which then reveals all the great things Auchan does to respect producers, the environment and animals. A reality illustrated by this fair-trade milk from cows fed without GMOs, these organic eggs laid by free-range hens and sold in recycled boxes, and this vegetable puree with no added coloring or flavoring.
The campaign, which kicks off on Sunday May 12, consists of 3 x 25'' films (Milk, Eggs and Purée) to be broadcast on major national channels, 3 press ads in multiple editions, and a digital campaign, according to a media plan drawn up by Havas Média.
The campaign's tagline is further proof of Auchan's commitment to its customers: "That's why at Auchan, our low prices are great".