Depression: THE FONDAMENTAL FOUNDATION campaigns with Serviceplan Health


Depression is an illness, not a reflection of character weakness.

To mark World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2019, the FondaMental Foundation, in partnership with Fnapsy[1], is launching a new communications campaign aimed at changing the general public's view of depression, an illness whose severity is largely underestimated and which remains misunderstood.

Every year, depression kills more than 6,000 people in France. Often likened to "the blues", depression remains insufficiently understood, diagnosed and treated. If left untreated, it can become severe or chronic, leading to suicide. To raise awareness, the FondaMental Foundation and Fnapsy, supported by the social protection group Klesia and the Roger de Spoelberch Foundation, are launching an awareness campaign devised and produced by Serviceplan Health.

At the heart of the campaign is the film "Le petit passage à vide", a reminder that depression is a "serious" illness that can have fatal consequences. Straddling the line between comedy and drama, it shows how patients with obvious pathologies would be treated if their clinical signs were treated as lightly as the signs of depression sometimes are. The spot will be broadcast on the Internet and social networks from October 8.


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Stéphane PERROT
Serviceplan Paris
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