ChutBot, a connected object that brings calm and productivity back to the office

At a time when noise is recognized as the number one nuisance in open-plan offices, Plan.Net France - Maison de la Communication's digital agency - launches ChutBot, a connected object that brings calm and productivity back to the office.
Recent studies by the INRS - Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité - show that noise levels in open spaces are the leading cause of discomfort for employees, with 25% of them pointing the finger.
At a time when the issue of well-being in the workplace has become central to all companies, digital agency Plan.Net France has decided to provide an innovative response to this situation. The result of 6 months of research and design, Plan.Net presents ChutBot.
This connected object, designed to be totally autonomous, detects prolonged sounds in excess of 50dB - conversation, music, ambient noise - and calls the entire open space to calm and silence.
Designed by the Plan.Net teams in Paris and Rennes, the ChutBot was manufactured in collaboration with the LabFab in Rennes.
For more information, follow the ChutBot on Twitter : @ChutBot http:// and on its website
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