Éléphant Bleu communicates with Serviceplan

Éléphant Bleu, Europe's leading carwash operator, launches a press and poster campaign from February 10, designed by its agency Serviceplan (House of Communication France).
Anyone who takes care of their car knows: when a car is well washed, everything reflected in its bodywork is magnified. With this in mind, Serviceplan's creative team came up with the new Éléphant Bleu press and poster campaign, featuring four visuals that can be read in two ways. Initially, the eye recognizes a distorted landscape reminiscent of certain Impressionist paintings, but a clue in the form of an automotive detail (door handle, windshield wiper, etc.) makes it clear that this is a reflection of the environment on a gleaming body. This creative mechanism gives rise to four visuals as elegant as they are surprising, highlighting the ultimate result of a Blue Elephant cleaning.
The campaign signature sums up the message: "Clean is beautiful".
The campaign benefits from daily press coverage and DOOH on the imediacenter in-store digital advertising network.