Mediaplus supports Culligan in TV and Digital



Culligan, world leader in the water treatment market, has awarded its media activation contract to Mediaplus France (House of Communication/Groupe Serviceplan), following a competition between agencies.

Mediaplus will accompany Culligan in this strategic year, as the brand launches its latest innovation: Click & Drink, a water purifier controlled by a Bluetooth device. The media orchestration will enable Culligan to promote its 2 product ranges: softeners to eliminate limescale and purifiers to drink pure water. 


The brand's commitment to the environment will also be highlighted: fewer plastic bottles, energy savings and extended appliance life.   

(Watch the video)

Mediaplus developed a TV and digital plan for Culligan. After an initial 3-week TV campaign in January, other TV waves, reinforced by a digital awareness campaign, will follow throughout the year.  New creatives, highlighting the Click & Drink water purifier and water softener, will enable Culligan to maximize the effectiveness of these media campaigns.


Agency: Behaeghel Creative Studio

Founder/Creative Director: Vincent Behaeghel

Media agency: Mediaplus (House of Communication)

Media: TV/Digital

Managing Director: Marion Dolbeau

Business Manager: Marine Fontenit

Research and Data Director: Pascale Merzereau

TV Media Expert: Arnaud Laridan

Digital Director: Matthieu Petit

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