BMW Motorrad France chooses Serviceplan

Following a call for tenders in mid-2021, BMW MOTORRAD France, entrusts its communications budget to Serviceplan.
This includes campaign creation and production, management of the brand's web platforms, CRM strategy and deployment, and management of its social networks. These services are in addition to the digital media support already provided by Mediaplus (the group's media agency), as part of The Marcom Engine.
Like the response to this integrated call for tenders, the management of these missions will be shared between Serviceplan and Plan.Net.
The first communications actions have been visible since the beginning of 2022, and will focus on highlighting the brand signature "Make life a ride", again and again.
For Stéphane Perrot, Managing Director of Serviceplan Paris, this win is "a perfect illustration of the collective, decompartmentalized work of the House of Communication, and a creative return to an inspiring brand after 5 years of managing BMW Automobiles".
Guillaume Stortz, BMW Motorrad's Head of Marketing: "We are delighted to entrust the management of our communications to Serviceplan, and confident in the teams' ability to seize opportunities in the particularly evolving and competitive environment of the motorcycle sector".