Plan.Net France highlights the new Roto roof window website

Launched at the end of April, the new B2C site for roof window manufacturer Roto ( was designed by Plan.Net France, the digital agency of House of Communication France.
Roto has been manufacturing Made in Germany roof windows for over 80 years, and is now one of Europe's pioneers in the design and manufacture of roof windows. To support the development of its business on the French market, and in particular the promotion of its offers to private customers, the company has created a new website, the design and development of which was entrusted to Plan.Net France.
After several weeks of close collaboration between the Roto and Plan.Net France teams, the new site gives pride of place to the product, highlighting its multiple installation possibilities, offering different sections of inspiration according to rooms in the house and desires, and providing access to various installation simulators.
For the technical side of the site, Plan.Net opted for the TYPO3 CMS, in which the agency has built up considerable expertise over the past 15 years.