VTF conquers families with Serviceplan


With a new brand identity designed by Serviceplan, VTF vacation villages are reaching out to families in anticipation of the summer vacations. On the menu: an initial TV presence, a digital campaign, an awareness campaign on YouTube and a Facebook competition, enabling the brand to gain strength in a sector under pressure, and to fully play the authenticity card that has been its DNA from the outset.

Since this spring, Serviceplan has been orchestrating a digital campaign based around 5 themed video vignettes aimed at a "families" target group, focusing on the highlights to be experienced in VTF vacation villages this summer, according to each person's preferences: from kayaking to birthday celebrations, via hiking, the beach and the unmissable evening out, there are a thousand and one ways to experience moments that are both simple and powerful, thanks to VTF.

This message has been rolled out on YouTube in a pre-roll commercial, to talk to families about what they want in a particularly anxious and constrained context: vacations in France, accessible to all budgets, under the banner of bonds and shared emotions. The YouTube awareness campaign generated 1 million impressions over the month of April. As for the Facebook competition, in 3 weeks it generated 150,000 impressions, 60,000 entries, 356 comments and 4,000 qualified leads. A great way to win over the "Vacances Très Familles" brand, which Serviceplan has been supporting for 2 years.

And, to amplify all this, VTF has signed its very first TV campaign with Serviceplan. Throughout the summer, VTF will be present every day in prime time on RMC Story, sponsoring all investigative, adventure and documentary programs.

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Maurane Coudert
Serviceplan Group
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