Serviceplan Health is new Global Lead Agency for Weleda
Serviceplan Health is new Global Lead Agency for Weleda
Weleda, producer of natural skincare, anthroposophical medicines, and integrative pharmaceuticals, has chosen Serviceplan Health as its new global lead agency. The specialised agency for health and wellbeing, based in Munich, was able to come out on top in a multi-stage, international selection process and took over the strategic and creative lead for the entire Weleda brand as well as campaigns in the natural cosmetics and pharma sectors.
Munich, 15 March 2022 — As the new global lead agency, Serviceplan Health has been responsible for global communication activities for the major brand Weleda since January 2022. The internationally established agency’s mandate also includes the conception and implementation of campaigns in the natural cosmetics and pharma sectors – globally, including the DACH region. The aim is to continue to strengthen Weleda’s position globally as the leading brand for complementary medicine and natural cosmetics.
“Serviceplan Health impressed us in the pitch with a rigorous, creative interpretation of a very strong global brand strategy in a multi-local aligned campaign approach”, commented Eileen Smith, Global Brand Equity Head for Weleda, on the decision. “Mike Rogers and Florian Bernsdorf’s team didn’t just present outstanding strategic and creative approaches for the Weleda brand but convinced us with a unified, integrated and sustainable perspective on brand management. That is exactly what we have been looking for and have found with Serviceplan Health.”
Florian Bernsdorf, Managing Partner of Serviceplan Health, expands: “We are very proud to be able to act as global lead agency for Weleda in the future. With this comprehensive and challenging task, we can fully exploit our strengths – both in global B2C and also B2B business – strategically, creatively and in an integrated way. This applies both to the health market and to the cosmetics and pharma sectors. We are especially pleased that, with Weleda, we can guide one of the top brands of our time. We see that as a great privilege.”