

CTRL MAGAZINE (CONTROL ADVERTISING) - Nº 708 (March 2023) / Agencies Index SECTION

José Carlos Gutiérrez (Managing Partner of Alma Mediaplus)

Now that the pandemic seems to be behind us, hopefully for good, this 2023 has started with the uncertainty of the war in Ukraine, its impact on energy, inflation..., not to mention the fact that we are in an election year. I guess, by now, you are prepared for anything, right?

We remain prepared for anything. In recent years, we have experienced profound changes and crises, and we have always come through them, and our ability to adapt is the reason for this success. It is true that these extreme situations test us and improve our training for future scenarios, and this is what we have to keep in mind: no matter how difficult the future may be, we will be able to cope with it.


On the other hand, advertising and communication are going through spectacular times, full of challenges in terms of audiences and how to reach them, new forms of communication, new platforms... it is a great time to work in this sector, don't you think?

It is a time of challenges. But it is not the first, nor will it be the last. They are increasingly relevant and complex. The irruption of private television seemed to us a drastic change, but that of the Internet exceeded all expectations. Now, artificial intelligence places us in front of still unknown scenarios, in a changing society, of better prepared individuals, and in frenetic evolution. Are we better prepared today? Anyone who wants to join the adventure?


And then, we have everything that seems like it's going to blow everything out of the water at any moment, in the good sense of the word: the metaverse, generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT), the sustainability effect... what do you find most attractive about what's to come?

What may be attractive and challenging for some may be a nightmare for others. There is no doubt that everything related to technology has its appeal, but the research and measurement of its effects when applied to communication is also of enormous interest, because, in addition, it will give us the keys to what is here to stay, or is simply something spectacular, but fleeting.

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Jose Carlos Gutiérrez
Managing Partner Mediaplus Alma
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