Valsoia Launches New Integrated Campaign Created by Serviceplan Italia and Produced by Filmmaster

COREVE torna on air con Serviceplan Italia


Valsoia's new integrated campaign, signed by Serviceplan Italia and produced by Filmmaster, is now underway

You know that feeling when you come home in the evening after working out, open the fridge to decide what to eat, and wonder, "taste or health?" Valsoia answers with "taste and health," a TV, radio, and out-of-home campaign that captures the essence of the brand in a fresh and immediate way.

Serviceplan Italia, the creative arm of the House of Communication Milan, developed the project, produced by Filmmaster, with the aim of evolving Valsoia's communication without changing its historic positioning that has made it a pioneer of a healthy yet tasty lifestyle.

The TV campaign was entrusted to the direction of the Lucini brothers, with the collaboration of Massimo Zambiasi for the food part. Three 20-second spots that depict different targets, products, and moments of the day, but with one thing in common. Each subject wants to be the answer to a question we've all asked ourselves at least once: "Taste or health?"

In a landscape where daily choices become increasingly crucial, Valsoia is the choice for those who no longer want to choose. The campaign's slogan "Taste and Health," rooted in the brand's positioning, reflects this concept clearly and effectively.

The original soundtrack, specially created in collaboration with musician Fabio Gargiulo, becomes a distinctive element for the brand and, with its rhythm and freshness, emphasizes the possibility of living in a healthy and tasty way thanks to Valsoia products.

The campaign also extends to radio and out-of-home, ensuring an integrated presence on all fronts.

With this project, Valsoia confirms its commitment to providing consumers with tasty and healthy food solutions, making the choice between taste and health just a memory.


Client: Valsoia

President: Lorenzo Sassoli de Bianchi

CEO: Andrea Panzani

Central Marketing Director: Leonardo Lambertini

Media and Consumer Relations Director: Cristina Grappeggia

Agency: Serviceplan Italia

Chief Creative Officer: Stefania Siani

Creative Direction: Giuliana Guizzi, Salvatore Giuliana

Art Director: Alex Fattore

Copywriter: Francesca Beltrami

Account Director: Chiara Antonetti

New Business Director: Ilaria Mosca

Make Director: Laura Moltrasio

Senior Producer: Michela Giordana

Production Company: Filmmaster

Directors: Marcello and Luca Lucini (live part) / Massimo Zambiasi (food part)

Executive Producer: Michela Gabelli

Producer: Valentina Bellanza

DOP: Marco Alfieri

Set Design: Amos Caparrotta

Stylist: Giulia Deodato

Editing: Luca Angeleri

Colorist: Giorgia Meacci

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Martina Alberta
Martina Alberta
Marketing & Communication Manager
Serviceplan Group
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