As House of Communication Vienna, we consciously act sustainably and believe in a green future. The current agency location in Vienna has been offset since 2013 and is working on ongoing improvements.

Our climate protection strategy includes the proactive avoidance and reduction of CO2 emissions at the agency location. An interdisciplinary task force initiates and promotes projects with the aim of making the current location even more sustainable. In addition to ecological aspects, economic and social aspects of sustainability are also considered.

Green GRP is the first concrete project of this task force. With this project, we want to drive forward the sustainable transformation of the advertising industry. Every advertiser should be given the opportunity to offset their campaign-related CO2 emissions through certified climate protection projects. Our customers can take advantage of this at any time and optimize their communication.


Mediaplus as the driving force behind an industry initiative.

How big is the CO2 footprint of an advertising campaign? What emissions does the communicative presence of our customers cause? The Green GRP provides information on this. Companies can now book their advertising in a climate-neutral way.

Under the aegis of Mediaplus Austria, the introduction of the GREEN GRP° on the Austrian market was made possible together with ClimatePartner. The aim is to calculate the ecological footprint of an advertising campaign and neutralise it through certified climate protection projects. The GREEN GRP° is available to all market partners - agencies, marketers and advertisers - as an open initiative.  

"As an innovative agency, we take our responsibility to actively promote climate protection and sustainable media planning seriously. Our primary goal is to drive sustainable change in the advertising industry. The best way for us to achieve this is by working shoulder to shoulder with strong Austrian media companies. We look forward to jointly initiating a forward-looking movement in our industry."

Bernhard Redl, Managing Partner Mediaplus Austria

The GREEN GRP° calculator

The GREEN GRP° calculator helps you to calculate the amount of investment required for the climate neutralisation of your campaign. Click on the following link to go directly to the 

to the GREEN GRP° calculator.

Green House of Communication

As an innovative agency group, we also want to be a pioneer when it comes to sustainability. Our current agency location was first certified as climate-neutral in 2013, and now all agencies working at the location are also climate-neutral.

To ensure climate neutrality, the agencies' CO2 emissions are recorded by ClimatePartner as part of an annual monitoring programme and offset with climate protection projects. 

Because prevention is always better than compensation, our weGREEN initiative also includes a wide range of specific measures that enable more sustainable living and working in the company and further reduce the ecological footprint.

weGREEN Taskforce

Our aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions at our Vienna site and to work towards a sustainable future. An in-house weGREEN task force initiates projects to improve all aspects of sustainability. Employees from all agencies are encouraged to contribute their commitment and ideas to improve our small world. The large number of individual suggestions and ideas are organised into topic clusters and implemented by our sustainability experts on their own responsibility.

Let's get in touch!
Bence Gerencser
Serviceplan Group Austria
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