Why not all cookies are equal

Why not all cookies are equal

The cookieless future is coming, but nobody quite knows yet what the digital-advertising ecosystem of tomorrow will look like. One thing is certain, however – advertisers should start considering alternatives.

Ready for the Metaverse?

The Metaverse marks the beginning of a new era in which user behaviour will change radically. Eight tips to help brands prepare for the future.
Say Yes To Corporate Podcasts! But Mind 3 Tips

Say Yes To Corporate Podcasts! But Mind 3 Tips

Stories that people want to listen to – those are not only hard to find, but also hard to tell. It is what everyone wants to achieve, but only few know how to do it right.
How to turn the big elephant into creativity

How to turn the big elephant into creativity

From changing consumer attitudes to gaming taking a prominent role in entertainment – accelerated by the pandemic, communications is undergoing a drastic transformation.
Our Top 3 Cannes Contendors of 2022

Our Top 3 Cannes Contendors of 2022

Creative leaders from Serviceplan Group’s global network discuss what campaigns could win a coveted Lion at Cannes.