
eActros, The Discovery of a new species

Mercedes-Benz Trucks in its commitment to eMobility has launched the eActros, the first 100% electric, quiet, cutting-edge technology and CO2 emission-free truck.​

The challenge was to present the new eActros to its network of clients and partners through a unique event capable of highlighting the benefits of the new truck but also with a creative storytelling that will take us away from the usual corporate events.


A new natural species has born 

During the creative process, we realised that both the truck and its manufacturing process pollute less than most animal species, as if it were a new natural species integrated into its environment and perfectly adapted to our ecosystem, respecting and caring for the planet.

If the eActros is more environmentally friendly than many animals, there is no better way to present it as the next step in animal evolution, as another species inside the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid. A place that houses the history and evolution of the fauna of our planet and, above all, a totally unusual place to talk about the new Mercedes-Benz truck.

We designed creative materials and posters that looked like scientific technical drawings to resemble the technical drawings used to talk about animal species.

In the event, guests were able to enjoy a guided tour by the Museum's experts to learn about the evolution of the species until they got to know the new one, the eActros, where attendees found a showcase in the middle of the Museum, as if it were a new species, which showed an interactive hologram of 3x2 m with all the details of the new truck, accompanied by catering and tribal music.



More than 150 attendees. We were congratulated for the amazing way of presenting the eActros.


eActros was the latest "animal" species to be discovered and housed in a museum.

"Once the concept was created, we wanted to treat this new product as a new species in every way. From the use of the location, to the positioning of the truck model, everything was designed to convey the creative idea taken to the extreme".

Emilio Valverde

Executive Creative Director​

Serviceplan España

"We managed to generate a direct association between the qualities of the product and the environment in which we presented it. Presenting a truck with an interactive hologram, inside a showcase surrounded by the rest of the animal species, is a clear example of how to generate a unique experience at the service of the message".


Account Director

Serviceplan España

Key Takeaways


Using the wow factor to make an impact and connect in a B2B environment.


A storytelling that connects to the qualities of the truck and the setting.