Rainbow Wool

Rainbow Wool


Rainbow Wool – The World’s First Fashion Statement Made from the Wool of Gay Sheep

A sheep farm in Germany is making history by producing the first textile made from the wool of gay rams—a fashion statement advocating for acceptance and equality for the LGBTQIA+ community worldwide. Now, Rainbow Wool is launching its first collection crafted from this unique wool, with Tokio Hotel singer Bill Kaulitz leading the campaign. The creative concept and realization of Rainbow Wool were developed by Serviceplan.

Cologne, 13 September 2024 – Homosexuality remains a crime in 62 countries worldwide. In 12 countries, the death penalty is still a looming threat. Rainbow Wool funds initiatives that raise awareness for the queer community and supports the fight for legal and social equality.

The wool for Rainbow Wool comes from the farm of shepherd Michael Stücke in Löhne, North Rhine-Westphalia. Stücke, a member of the Gayfarmer Association, produces yarn for various creative applications. This yarn is spun from the wool of over 20 gay sheep. While gay rams typically have no “value” in industrial farming and are often slaughtered, they live full lives at Rainbow Wool Farm, providing high-quality wool for statement fashion pieces.

Bill Kaulitz, one of Germany's most popular fashion and lifestyle influencers, has been a supporter of Rainbow Wool from the very beginning. As the face of the campaign, Bill not only advocates for the protection and adoption of gay sheep but also co-designed the first haute couture collection alongside renowned German designers Danny Reinke and Kilian Kerner.

But Rainbow Wool isn’t just about haute couture. The collection includes statement pieces such as shoelaces, patches, and caps, allowing anyone to show their support for LGBTQIA+ equality while making a bold fashion statement.

This one-of-a-kind fashion collection is available at rainbow-wool.de, with proceeds going to LSVD+—the Federation Queer Diversity in Germany. The funds will be used to support LGBTQIA+ projects worldwide, especially in queer-hostile countries like Uganda, through initiatives such as Queer Emergency Aid.

The campaign accompanying the collection’s launch will be promoted online, on social media, and through out-of-home advertising. In addition to Bill Kaulitz, around 30 well-known influencers from the queer community in Germany and the UK are supporting the Rainbow Wool initiative on a voluntary basis via Instagram. Notable names include Helge Mark Lodder, Nicolas Puschmann, Carlo Sommer, Kyle Thomas, Joe Baggs, Kizzy Edgell, and Bestly.

Watch the film here, an interview with the shepherd, Michael Stücke, can be found here.

On the Rainbow Wool YouTube channel you can find more content.

The farm Schäfer Stücke not only produces Rainbow Wool yarn, They also offer sheep sponsorships to save more gay sheep, increase their flock and produce even more yarn. Bill Kaulitz is already on board. His sponsored sheep are named Karl and Wolli.


Project Background

The idea for Rainbow Wool originated from a personal connection between shepherd Michael Stücke and the team led by Andy Wyeth, Creative Managing Director of Serviceplan Cologne.

Michael Stücke explains: “I had been searching for a way to support the LGBTQIA+ community while also expanding my farm during these challenging economic times. It wasn’t until I connected with Serviceplan that the concrete idea for Rainbow Wool took shape. I was immediately excited about it.”

Andy Wyeth adds: “Michael told us that homosexuality is common in animals. That was the creative spark behind Rainbow Wool. We’re literally creating a fashion statement—it’s about uniting a community of talented people and using creativity to make the world, and Michael’s world, a little better.”

This community is still growing. Rainbow Wool has developed an industrial-grade thread made from gay sheep’s wool, suitable for industrial embroidery and clothing production. The brand is actively seeking collaborations with fashion companies and is open to partnerships that want to incorporate this unique wool into their designs, setting a new standard for inclusivity in the fashion world.

Rainbow Wool was brought to life as an integrated project within the Serviceplan Group and the House of Communication Cologne.

The creative concept and execution of the idea and campaign were handled by Serviceplan Cologne. All campaign content—from interviews to the brand film—was produced in collaboration with creative production partners Peoplegrapher, Supreme Music, and Serviceplan Make.

The Mediaplus Group took charge of the media planning for the campaign. One highlight was the installation of a large mural in Cologne's Schaafenstraße, in partnership with Concrete Candy. The mural features Bill Kaulitz and his sponsored sheep, alongside an interactive LED screen promoting the campaign. Shops and bars along Schaafenstraße also supported the campaign by advertising the gay sheep.

Serviceplan Culture provided support for brand collaborations and partnerships.
TACSY oversaw influencer and social media communication, while Serviceplan PR & Content handled public relations. The website and e-commerce platform were developed by Plan.Net Köln and hmmh multimediahaus, in collaboration with Ideal Alpha.

Agency / Creative

Agency / Creative. Serviceplan Group

CCO. Alex Schill

CCO Germany. Till Diestel

MD creation. Andy Wyeth

MD account. Anna Lee Sønnichsen

Client strategy director. Nadia Leytes

Concept & Senior Copy. Schakir Islamow

Creative director. Sebastian Simon

Creative director video. Dennis Fritz

Senior art. Daniel Azar 

Senior art. Rosario Brancato

Art. Marius Merkel

Copy. Ann-Kathrin Schirpke

Copy. Louisa Heuter

Senior account. Isabella Capodieci

Account management. Lilli Schmitz

Senior PR & Content Consultant & Creative Conceptionist. Lisa Paul

Lead Corporate Communications. Birgit Koch

Managing Partner Serviceplan MAKE. Alexander Nagel

Global Creative Creative Media Lead. Maximilian Florian Schöngen       

Director Creative Media & Awards. Sabrina Duchow

ECD Serviceplan Madrid. Emilio Valverde



Production. Peoplegrapher GmbH

Director. Lukas Tielke

Creative director & director. Alexander Norek

Photographer. Steve Marais

Still Life photographer. Kyla Elaine

Executive producer. Jack Gregory Donald

Producer. Sina Lübke

Production manager. Rosa Bartels 

DOP. Niklas Lemburg 

Grading. Niklas Lemburg

Online artist. Justus Heinser

AI artist. Jacob Fletcher

Photo postproduction. blink imaging GmbH



Media. Mediaplus Group

Global Creative Lead. Maximilian Florian Schöngen       

Director Creative Media. Sabrina Duchow

Senior Media Consultant & Creative Media Manager . Fabian Steiner


Music / Sound

Music & Sound Design. Supreme Music GmbH


Social and influencer

Social and influencer. TACSY



UX and UI. Plan.Net Cologne

Developmenet. hmmh AG


Here you can download the files.

Rainbow Wool_Visuals.zip
5 MB
Let's get in touch!
Eva Bodecker Thunborg
Eva Bodecker Thunborg
Mediaplus Nordics
Managing Director
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