Nowadays people only believe what they see


5G has long been an integral part of our everyday lives. All telecom providers face the same challenge: How do you communicate something that is not visible or tangible?

Simple promises and awards are not enough here, because nowadays we only believe what we can see with our eyes.

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"In May we started our network campaign "Welcome to the excellent O₂ network" and until the end of November it was successfully broadcasted across all channels. I am pleased that we are now seamlessly following on from this with attention-grabbing communication measures relating to 5G. "The visible Net" is characterized by a strong creative output and combines technology and art in a spectacular way. The campaign marks a new milestone for O₂ on the way to becoming a superbrand."

Michael Falkensteiner

Director Brand & Marketing Communications

 Telefónica Deutschland/O₂

We are making visible what has never been seen before - O₂’s 5G network


Whether in the big city or in the countryside: We measured the signal strength of the O₂ 5G network throughout Germany and converted it into light signals.

These were then sent to an LED column hanging under a drone. Together with the most modern technology and well-tested photo technology, such breathtaking recordings were made of the flight routes of the drone, which made the 5G network visible to the human eye for the first time.

Key Facts


online impressions



"The idea made you ask yourself why nobody had thought of it before. Staging a core product is a typical agency task - but how do you deal with it when the product is invisible? The artful staging increases the desirability even further."

Lars Holling


Key Takeaways


Courage pays off. Even with ideas that
seem impossible at first glance.


Abstract products are only understood
if they are visible.


Data-driven and technological ideas
can also arouse emotions.


ADC 2022

2x Bronze
1x Shortlist


Cresta 2022

3x Shortlist


ADC DE 2022

4x Shortlist


The ANDYs 2022

1x Gold


Let's get in touch!
Lars Holling
Lars Holling
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