Fashion with purpose


Did you know around one in twelve sheep is gay? Unfortunately, since they don’t reproduce, these rams are often slaughtered - but not on our farm! Meet Michael Stücke, a gay German farmer and proud member of the German GayFarmer association. With wool prices at an all-time low, we found a way to create a new revenue stream for Stücke’s sheep farm and help gay sheep and gay people at the same time.

Wool from happy sheep supporting queer rights


Introducing Rainbow Wool - the world’s first gay textile thread for queer rights worldwide. We rescued and relocated gay rams to Stücke’s sheep farm, a safe haven where they can live, love, and grow their wool. This wool is transformed into high-quality thread, turned into fashion, and promoted via social media, fashion magazines, OOH, and activities across Germany. We launched it with the help of German queer icon and Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz.

Key Facts


impressions in 33 countries


million of Euros
in earned media


more social engagements

"Michael told us that homosexuality is also common in animals. That was the creative spark from which Rainbow Wool was born. We are literally creating a fashion statement - it's about bringing together a community of talented people and making the world - and Michael's world - a little bit better through creativity."

Andy Wyeth


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Andy Wyeth
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