Art Directors Club Germany Awards 2022
Serviceplan Group is Number 1 Agency at 2022 Art Directors Club Germany Awards
· Sweeping the board with a total of 2 Grand Prix, 12 Gold, 15 Silver and 17 Bronze Awards and Young Talent winning 1 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze.
· The winning campaigns were for BVG, Dot, Felix Burda, Förderpreis Helfende Hand, Hinz & Kunzt, Kindernothilfe, MINI, Newtown Action Alliance, PENNY and Stern.
Munich, 25 May, 2022 – Serviceplan Group has had its most successful ADC Germany to date, winning 2 Grand Prix, 12 gold, 15 silver and 17 bronze, as well as 1 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze for the Young Talent. This impressive result makes Serviceplan Group the Number 1 Agency in this year’s competition.
Serviceplan convinced the ADC Department of Film & Sound with ‘Der Wunsch’ (‘The Wish’) film for PENNY Deutschland, which won Grand Prix and moved the jury to comment: "This is definitely the movie of the year. Technically brilliant in all areas and powerful in its message.”
The ADC Germany Jury were also deeply moved by ‘Dyslexia Unetited’, which won a coveted Grand Prix. One in five people is dyslexic. ‘Dyslexia Unetited’ is an initiative for more acceptance of dyslexia, because it is often still assumed that dyslexia patients are less intelligent. There are Nobel laureates, CEOs and even writers with dyslexia. Nobody knows that, because dyslexia is always corrected. Kai West Schlosser, art director and dyslexic, wanted to change that. Stern published an uncorrected article written by Schlosser on Dyslexia Day in 2021. Apart from print and digital, the initiative even made it to TV, generating more than 37 million impressions and over 500 messages from supporters.
7 of the gold awards went to PENNY ‘The Wish’, which also won 4 silver and 5 bronze.
The other most awarded campaign for Serviceplan Group was MINI ‘MINImalism’, a campaign conceived by Serviceplan Bubble and Serviceplan Middle East, which won 2 gold, 7 silver and 2 bronze.
Mediaplus was also successful at ADC Germany, winning 2 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals for Hinz & Kunzt 'Das Plakat, das Leben rettet' ('City Life Billboard'). In the 'City Life Billboards' campaign, billboards were transformed into homeless shelters. Hinz & Kunzt had several trailers built for this purpose, which can be used as mobile shelters throughout the Hamburg city area. The advertising revenues flow into the upkeep of the shelters. In this way, attention was drawn to the fact that 43 homeless people died last year in Hamburg alone.
#notcominghome, an emotional campaign for American anti-gun crime NGO Newtown Action Alliance, won 3 bronze. Kindernothilfe #DeinGrundZuSpenden was awarded 2 silver and 1 bronze. 1 silver and bronze went to Felix Burda Stiftung "Nächste Woche". And winning 1 bronze each were PENNY for animated film "Klimaleicht", and Förderpreis Helfende Hand "Projektfilme Helfende Hand 2021’.
ADC Germany also recognised some outstanding young talent from the Serviceplan Group, with Kai West Schlosser’s ‘Dyslexia Unetided’ collecting a gold and bronze, as well as Shruthi Subramanian, Rohil Borole and Kai West Schlosser being awarded a silver for Dot Go, and Louisa Ziebell winning silver for BVG ‘Völlig kontaktlos‘.
Alexander Schill, Global Chief Creative Officer, Serviceplan Group commented:
"I am incredibly happy for our teams and everyone who made this possible. It makes me proud to be able to work with so many people who are always fighting for the better idea every day. And all that achieved during a particularly challenging period with a global pandemic".
View the online awards show here:
Full list of Serviceplan Group awards:
GRAND PRIX – Dyslexia awairnes "Dyslexia Unetided" / Editorial / Serviceplan Innovation / Serviceplan Campaign 3 - Editorial
GOLD – Dyslexia awairnes "Dyslexia Unetided" / Serviceplan Innovation/ Editorial Serviceplan Campaign 3
GRAND PRIX – PENNY "Der Wunsch“ / Film & Sound / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Brand Advertising / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST/ Serviceplan PR and Content
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Brand Advertising, TV/Cinema Media / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Brand Advertising, TV/Cinema Media / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Music / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch"/ Live Action Film, Film for TV/Cinema / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Live Action Film, Film for Mobile / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Live Action Film / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
SILVER - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Advertising, TV/Cinema Media / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
SILVER - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Advertising > TV/Cinema Media / Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
SILVER - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / PR Activation / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST/ Serviceplan PR & Content
SILVER - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Live Action Film / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
BRONZE - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Advertising / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST/ Serviceplan PR & Content
BRONZE - PENNY "Der Wunsch" Storytelling > Storytelling for > Film (Script/Drehbuch) // SP C3 / NEVEREST
BRONZE - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Audio Design and Music / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
BRONZE - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Live Action Film / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
BRONZE - PENNY "Der Wunsch" / Live Action Film / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
GOLD - MINI "MINImalism" / Brand Advertising / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
GOLD - MINI "MINImalism" Graphic Design > Print Media > Plakat (Werbung, Veranstaltung, Kunst, Kultur, ...) // SP BUBBLE / SP Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" / Brand Advertising / erviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" / Brand Advertising / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" / Advertising / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" Advertising / Out-of- Home/Ambient Media / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" / Graphic Design / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" / Graphic Design / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
SILVER - MINI "MINImalism" / Brand Advertising / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
BRONZE - MINI "MINImalism" / Illustration / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
BRONZE - MINI "MINImalism" / Live Action Film / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Middle East
GOLD - Hinz&Kunzt "das Plakat, das Leben rettet" "City Life Billboard" / Public Space / Mediaplus
GOLD - Hinz&Kunzt "das Plakat, das Leben rettet" "City Life Billboard" / Public Space / Mediaplus
SILVER - Hinz&Kunzt "das Plakat, das Leben rettet" "City Life Billboard" / Product Design / Werbemittel / Mediaplus
BRONZE - Hinz&Kunzt "das Plakat, das Leben rettet" "City Life Billboard" / Advertising Media / Mediaplus
BRONZE - Hinz&Kunzt "das Plakat, das Leben rettet" "City Life Billboard" / PR Activation / Mediaplus
BRONZE - Hinz&Kunzt "das Plakat, das Leben rettet" "City Life Billboard" / Graphic Design / Mediaplus
BRONZE - #NotComingHome "#NotComingHome" PR Activation / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Creative Board / Serviceplan PR & Content / Plan.Net UX / SE Hamburg
BRONZE - #NotComingHome "#NotComingHome" Live Action Film / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Creative Board / Serviceplan PR & Content / PlanNet UX / SE Hamburg
BRONZE - #NotComingHome "#NotComingHome" Live Action Film > Film Skills > Regie / Serviceplan BUBBLE / Serviceplan Creative Board / Serviceplan PR & Content / Plan.Net UX / SE Hamburg
SILVER - Kindernothilfe "#DeinGrundZuSpenden" Advertising / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / Plan.Net NEO / MEDIASCALE CN
SILVER - Kindernothilfe "#DeinGrundZuSpenden" Advertising / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / Plan.Net NEO / MEDIASCALE CN
BRONZE - Kindernothilfe "#DeinGrundZuSpenden" Commercial / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / Plan.Net NEO / MEDIASCALE CN
SILVER - Felix Burda Stiftung "Nächste Woche" Commercial / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / Serviceplan Health & Life
BRONZE - Felix Burda Stiftung "Nächste Woche" Dialog Activation / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / Serviceplan Health & Life
BRONZE - PENNY "Klimaleicht" Animated Film / Serviceplan Campaign 3 / NEVEREST
BRONZE - Förderpreis Helfende Hand "Projektfilme Helfende Hand 2021" Post-Production / Serviceplan Berlin