Serviceplan Health & Life receives the Rx Club Carveth's Way Award

Serviceplan Health & Life receives the Rx Club Carveth's Way Award

Serviceplan Health & Life receives the Rx Club Carveth's Way Award


Serviceplan Health & Life takes it to the next level: after winning one gold award and ten Awards of Excellence at the Rx Club Awards 2023, the agency has now been honoured with the Carveth's Way Award for its MS poetry clip. This special award pays tribute to Rx Club founder Carveth and is only given to the most unique projects in healthcare marketing.

"The thing with the cherries" is in line with this "out of the box" approach: For the biotech and pharmaceutical company Novartis, Serviceplan Health & Life developed a campaign aimed at doctors to raise awareness for MS. The campaign was based on a survey of patients' wishes, fears and needs. Two poetry slammers Anna and Johanna, both living with MS, turned these messages into a moving poetry clip.


Here you can download the file. 

Carveth's Way Award.jpg
996 KB
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Hannah Lösch
Hannah Lösch
Serviceplan Group
Corporate Communications
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