From four designs to one brand
Bosch Home & Garden had four different designs with different guidelines.
The task was to create ONE design and ONE guideline. The brand perception should become more modern and encourage to "create".
The focus was to see the brands through the eyes of the consumers, to understand today's needs and to develop a consumer-centric design that connects the values of the Bosch brand with the values of the consumers.
Home made by you
We revolutionized the perception of Bosch Home & Garden by transforming it from a functional brand without brand personality into a contemporary brand.
We achieved this by significantly reducing packaging complexity, developing an easy-to-understand visual user experience, and inspiringly visualizing the product's key benefits for each target group. Our new consumer-centric packaging approach combined with the new logo emotionalized the Bosch brand and initiated a transfer from "repairing" to "creating." This brought the new positioning to life: Bosch "Home made by you."