Every Story starts with a Yes

„Inventing narratives about the lives and conversations of others: who hasn’t indulged in this mental exercise? And during travels, when often faced with language barriers, the allure of imagination grows even stronger.

‘Every story starts with a Yes’ naturally bridges our innate curiosity about people, their stories and backgrounds with the essence of the Lufthansa brand.

Yes to campaigns that riff on our most human reflexes.

Yes to capturing the significance of discovery and shared experiences.

Yes to the beauty and truth that lies in what connects instead of what divides us – travelers, wanderers and dreamers.“

An Rietjens
Creative Strategy Leader at Serviceplan Belux

An Rietjens

The new Lufthansa 'Yes' campaign, created by Serviceplan, places the individual experiences and stories of travelers at its core. The slogan 'Say yes to the world' has evolved into a definitive 'Yes', embodying the personal 'Yes' of each passenger.

Space Trash Signs

„What impressed me the most was the way in which the team succeeded in presenting the results of an enormous amount of extremely rigorous scientific work in an extremely clear way. The beautiful form and impressive design are truly at the service of the content and the message.

It's great to be able to visualize, in this way, a problem that, until then, had been largely unknown. After seeing this work, this major issue for the years to come and its consequences on the daily life of mankind can no longer be forgotten, and the constellations remain engraved forever in the memory. Such quality at every stage of the project is truly impressive.”

Jean-Philippe Dubois
Creative Director at Serviceplan France

An Rietjens

Space exploration is booming. But with it comes the problem of trash. There are over 160 million pieces of human-made space debris in the Earth’s orbit. As they travel at high speeds of 15 kilometers per second, even a small piece can cause significant damage.

To visualize the consequences of space pollution, Serviceplan Innovation, with the support of Mediaplus, have launched Space Trash Signs — constellations made from space debris.


“Instead of relying on cautionary tales or pointing fingers, which seem to be the norm on this topic, the HOW-TO-QUIT campaign doesn’t shy away from showing the root of the opioid epidemic and adds a human touch.

It’s pretty clever how the billboards show pills in an organic way as the medium to reach out to those struggling with addiction and connect them with a helping hand. As far as the design goes, it’s simple, powerful and straight to the point. All in all, the campaign perfectly delivers a much-needed message right now in the US.”

Erick Barrios Hernández
Global Executive Creative Director at Serviceplan Americas

An Rietjens

Every 6 minutes, someone in the United States dies from opioids and today, there’s more than 2.1 million people suffering from opioid use disorder.

855-HOW-TO-QUIT-(OPIOIDS) is an innovative approach to help those struggling with addiction. It’s a helpline to reach out to people in the most critical moment – when they have a pill in their hand. It uses a toll-free helpline to connect those battling addiction with those who’ve overcome it.

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