Customer Insights Research

Welcome to the world of data-driven insights

We firmly believe that a deep understanding of the interactions in the various dimensions of communication is the key to the sustainable success of your brand. This understanding is based on our 'best insights', which we generate in a data-driven manner and translate into customer-specific recommendations for action.


We turn insights into your exclusive competitive advantage and help you find the right research tool for your requirements. We help you find the right research tool for your requirements and turn insights into your exclusive competitive advantage. Our recommendations are based on your individual objectives. We support you in your brand and communication decisions. 

Facts & figures

About Facit Research


founded as an independent market research institute


subsidiary of the Mediaplus Group


employees (2024)


customers since the beginning of 2021


Our services

Our core competence: research & consulting

We offer far more than just data - we have customized solutions that are precisely tailored to your individual needs and goals. Our aim is to provide you with concrete recommendations for action that will pave your way to success.

Our expertise extends across various key areas, including brand and communication research, value-based target group analyses and the fundamental advertising impact correlations in various media genres.

Because: Effective communication is the key to brand success!

We concentrate on the decisive interdependencies that have a significant influence on the success of your brand. Our focus is on effective communication, because we are convinced that "impact = success". For this reason, understanding the interdependencies the relationships in the various dimensions of communication is at the heart of our research.

We explore the entire communication funnel in relation to dimensions of brand, creation and media marketing. Our aim is to understand and optimize the impact in these areas.

Our services adapt to your goals

As a research institute closely associated with the media agency Mediaplus, we offer holistic solutions covering all aspects of your brand and communication strategy. We understand the many challenges companies face in today’s world and help you achieve your goals. Whether it’s strengthening your brand, optimizing your communication strategy or improving your audience impact, we are your trusted partner all along the way.

From objectives to recommendations for action

We offer you comprehensive services covering the entire market research process – from defining your objectives and preliminary discussions, to comprehensive research, data analysis, detailed report preparation and well-founded recommendations for action. We accompany you at every stage as a competent partner always at your side.

Discover the variety of our customized service offerings, tailored to your specific needs! 

Our market research services in detail

We analyze the impact of brand and product communication


to ensure that your messages are effective and understood.  

We research the impact of (value-based) creation


to ensure that your content resonates as desired.

We analyze the impact of communication in different media genres


to ensure that you reach your target group in the best possible way.


Our success

Winner of the BVM Innovation Award 2024

Mediaplus and Facit Research have won the 2024 Innovation Award of the BVM (Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers) with the Response Mapper.  

This approach enables the evaluation and optimisation of item batteries by eliminating redundant items and questions in questionnaires. As a result, respondents are less fatigued and give more honest, precise answers. The jury praised the methodology used as particularly innovative because it takes into account not only the suitability of the participants, but also the quality of the questionnaire design. At a time when the integrity and reliability of data is becoming increasingly important, this approach offers even better validation. It systematically checks and improves the effectiveness of the questionnaire design, taking into account the full information utilisation. This holistic approach ensures more accurate and reliable results and promotes the improvement of standards in market research.

Dr Mario Giesel from Mediaplus and Dr Julia Pannicke and Alexis Zarucha from Facit Research received the award.

Membership & Awards

Excellent market research expertise

bvm berufsverband deutscher marktforscher und sozialforscher e.v. logo
preis der deutschen marktforschung
fipp insights award
arf advertising research foundation
  • We are a member of the Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers, a registered association (BVM)
  • 2024: Winner of the BVM Innovation Award for the response mapper
  • 2019: Winner of the BVM Innovation Award for the media equivalence study video together with the client community consisting of Seven.One Media, Google and Mediaplus
  • 2019: FIPP Award Gold B2B Case for the media impact differentials together with the client community consisting of Mediaplus and Axel Springer Gold
  • 2019/2020: ARF Winning Paper for the media equivalence study video


The Power of Addressable TV

Key Insights from the ATV study:

1.      High recall of details:

  • ATV adverts attract more attention than traditional TV advertising.
  • Particularly strong recall of details with ATV.

2.      Effective targeting:

  • More people feel personally addressed by target group-specific ATV adverts.
  • The target group-specific approach works better on the big screen than on the small screen.

3.      Strengthening the brand image:

  • Targeting adverts on the big screen improve the brand image.
  • Higher ratings for quality, likeability and trustworthiness - especially among light users.

4.      Activation in the brand funnel:

  • Targeting leads to higher activation.
  • Big screen targeting in particular increases purchase intentions and recommendations.

5.      High acceptance:

  • ATV adverts are positively perceived and accepted, comparable to classic commercials.
  • ATV formats are accepted.


This summary shows the effectiveness of addressable TV compared to traditional TV and the advantages of targeted advertising on the big screen.

unit director insights
The key to your brand is our market research expertise!

Sandra Heinze

Unit Director Insights

Facit Research

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