#tb: Our Top 3 Media Cases
Creation and media go hand in hand. This makes the impossible possible, as with Hornbach. Three Mediaplus colleagues explain what makes this and the other best cases so special.
“It seems impossible…” for Hornbach
“It seems impossible, until you do it.” With this slogan, Hornbach also places its campaign in a social context. With an extraordinarily long to-do list, realised in the form of a gigantic, innovative storytelling mural with new content every day. Created with the constant active involvement of the target group. The necessary agility and a permanently unobstructed view of the mural are made possible through a first mover: Albert – a spectacular mural robot. The intensive involvement also underscores the spectacular success of the campaign. Seventy thousand participants actively had a say via social media about which topics would be on the wall.
Samsung ads for Warsteiner
How do you increase the incremental reach of a TV campaign? Not estimated or extrapolated but actually verifiable! Here Warsteiner applies targeting to non-viewers of the TV spot. As a European First Mover together with Samsung ads! By means of automatic image recognition, Samsung analyses whether a TV spot has been seen or not and appropriately broadcasts spots on Smart TV content.
s.Oliver incidence targeting
The fashion brand s.Oliver advertised the reopening of its branches with a campaign. However, so that the advertising only appeared in the regions where the pandemic development permitted shop doors to be open, the fashion producer booked the Mediaplus Group’s programmatic Covid-19 incidence targeting and its technology subsidiary PREX Programmatic Exchange. The regional fine-tuning of the campaign motifs on DOOH, online, mobile, connected TV and online audio was linked to the up-to-the-minute data feed of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the public health institute in Germany.

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