Be there for each other

We are strongest when we are there for each other. That's why our weCARE team is always there to help those who urgently need help.

Because everyone can experience challenges that are out of their control. In these and other difficult situations, our colleagues can rely on us. With our weCARE budget and many other measures, we provide impartial help quickly.

Serviceplan Group Initiative weCARE
More than just a trend topic

At the Serviceplan Group, climate protection is not just a mandatory task, but rather something we do out of sincere conviction. As the largest owner-managed agency group globally, we also want to be a pioneer when it comes to sustainability. Our objective is to fulfill our responsibility as the Serviceplan Group through sustainable business practices and transparent communication - in terms of economic, ecological and social sustainability.


The SP sustainability journey and goals: We see it as our responsibility to shed light on our actions in the future, considering all relevant aspects of sustainability.

Our focus lies on transparency of actions, results and reporting. Specifically we will establish our benchmarks and parameters based on the criterias of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Comission's sustainability reporting for companies (CSRD).

This transparency and holistic perspective provide a solid foundation for our medium and long-term goals and the integration of all relevant international stakeholders.

More information on our sustainability ambitions


Not just for us, but also for our clients: In addition, since 2022, we have been offering a holistic marketing service in the area of sustainability called "The Good Line". These services include positioning products, services, or companies, as well as planning and producing CO2-reduced media campaigns.

In this way, we assist our clients in implementing their sustainability projects. 

Strength through diversity!

Shared tolerance, appreciation and equality – it’s what we believe in and work together to achieve. We celebrate our differences and respect all genders, social or ethnic backgrounds, ages and sexual orientations. We believe that innovative, creative and multi-faceted ideas arise when all of our people at Serviceplan Group feel valued at work, can express themselves freely and truly thrive.

To our diversity initiatives

Serviceplan Group Initiative weRESPECT

Cases we are proud of!

In addition to ensuring we act responsibly in-house, we also support our clients to take positive actions and engage on a global level.

Transklar e.V.

Saved Memories

Let's get in touch!
Nina Stechl
Nina Stechl
Serviceplan Group
Head of Talent Development & Culture
Let's get in touch!

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